Elvis Icon 1
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Girl Sh*t is a fine artist exploring female narrative, propaganda and subcultures across multiple platforms and practices.
With this collection, Girl Sh*t is showing a series of 4 original, one-off collage works. The Elvis Icon series use original vintage magazine sources, against a background of metallic boards, referencing the visual language of the religious icon in the Orthodox Church.
Girl Sh*t says” My childhood watching ‘old movies’ started a lifelong collection of vintage magazines and film annuals. These magazines are used in traditional cut and paste (scissors and glue) collages that create female positive propaganda images often asking “what would she say?”
Original, mixed media collage with vintage papers on mirror card.
The source material papers are carefully chosen for subject, colour, and patinas. The papers in this collection are up to 90 years old and the final works are hand-tinted with watercolours.